Monday, January 20, 2014

The MLK Twerk

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”---Martin Luther King Jr.

I don't know what is going on right now with our communities and twerking but it's not what's up.

But wait, what is the MLK Twerk?

Are we really having twerk contests on a celebration day of a man who is profound throughout the world?


When I saw that on FB that they were having a twerking session on MLK Day, I just had to look twice at the computer screen. Have we really resulted to this?

I just wish people would show more respect towards Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is a holiday that took forever to be recognized by many predominantly white suburban schools and businesses.
This is a holiday to recognize a man that believed in equality and stood by his word no matter what anyone else thought or had to say.
This is a holiday that our children should know about and should want to partake in events that will help them gain more knowledge about this prominent man.
This is NOT a holiday for twerking or the best twerker.

Its ridiculous that some people think that this is a joke or that its funny because it isn't.
Where is the respect? Where is the compassion for what the holiday is really about?

I couldn't believe that they seriously created an event on MLK Day.
An event to twerk.

We need to do better people. 
Hopefully everyone will honor MLK for his service that he has brought to the world. 

Happy MLK Day and please don't twerk, just respect this day. Thank you. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Ever thought about when you started a new job or when you entered into your career, you may have left some people behind you?

Well, it happens without you even knowing it at times.

See, I'm learning that God wants the best for everyone. Sometimes when you're ready for the best, he may separate you from people who cant go with you.

When I started to climb up the ladder in 2013, I believe that God told me that it was okay to fall because he was going to catch me.

It wasn't a bad fall,it was a grateful one.
In return, I went with him through a journey, this is still going on, and that I didnt expect, but I am beyond thankful for it.

I realized that the first time climbing, I brought a lot of people with me.
I noticed that I was fidgety, shaken up, and not who I wanted to be with some of them by my side.

So now that I'm almost to my next ladder, I look back like wow, those people aren't with me now.
And I truly believe it's for the best.

God knows what he's doing. I never question him, I just thank him.

I thank him because he never left me,he never said he didn't want me to continue up the ladder, but he knew it wasn't the right one for me. Now, I'm waiting patiently for the right one and it's coming.

So, if you are climbing up your current ladder or a new one, look around to see who's with you and who isn't. You'll be surprised at the results.

It's amazing how we can change so quickly.
Change is always good, especially when you're changing for the better.

Knowing who's not with you on your climb will give you a clearer mind, since you'll know who's with you for your best interest or who really just wants you to fall.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014. Yes!

We have made it to another beautiful year!
Now, we should reflect on some things to go forward with.
I listed below some points that I received in a email.
Hopefully it can help you or someone you know! Pass it on!

1. Let go of all thoughts that don't make you feel empowered and strong.

2. Let go of feeling guilty for doing what you truly want to do.

3. Let go of the fear of the unknown; take one small step and watch the path reveal itself.

4. Let go of regrets; at one point in your life, that "whatever" was exactly what you wanted.

5. Let go of worrying; worrying is like praying for what you don't want.

6. Let go of blaming anyone for anything; be accountable for your own life. If you don't like something, you have two choices, accept it or change it.

7. Let go of thinking you are damaged; you matter, and the world needs you just as you are.

8. Let go of thinking your dreams are not important; always follow your heart.

9. Let go of being the "go-to person" for everyone, all the time; stop blowing yourself off and take care of yourself first ... because you matter.

10. Let go of thinking everyone else is happier, more successful or better off than you. You are right where you need to be. Your journey is unfolding perfectly for you.

11. Let go of thinking there's a right and wrong way to do things or to see the world. Enjoy the contrast and celebrate the diversity and richness of life.

12. Let go of cheating on your future with your past. It's time to move on and tell a new story.

13. Let go of thinking you are not where you should be. You are right where you need to be to get to where you want to go, so start asking yourself where you want to go.

14. Let go of anger toward ex lovers and family. We all deserve happiness and love; just because it is over doesn't mean the love was wrong.

15. Let go of the need to do more and be more; for today, you've done the best you can, and that's enough.

16. Let go of thinking you have to know how to make it happen; we learn the way on the way.

17. Let go of your money woes - make a plan to pay off debt and focus on your abundance.

18. Let go of trying to save or change people. Everyone has her own path, and the best thing you can do is work on yourself and stop focusing on others.

19. Let go of trying to fit in and be accepted by everyone. Your uniqueness is what makes you outstanding.

20. Let go of self-hate. You are not the shape of your body or the number on the scale. Who you are matters, and the world needs you as you are.


Happy New Year!!!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


For me, it takes a LOT to get me upset and to really not like you.
I have learned a lot this past year.
As I reflect on 2013, I think about some relationships that I have had.
I realized that I may have outgrown some people for a reason.
The reason can sometimes be unknown, but it was for a reason.
Rather it be a good one or a bad one, they are no longer apart of my everyday life.

And thats cool.

I do believe that God wants us to forgive people because he loves us all no matter what we do.
I forgive people and I let things go, but I don't forget.
Then I think about it, does God still forgives us and remember what we did in the past or does it even matter?

Well, going into 2014, I want to be able to forgive and let go. Forget, Idk lmao but maybe I should.
One particular friendship that I had was tarnished due to jealousy and just being stupid with words and I feel like it sucks that their true colors came out.

I think for me, I forgave them and I have let it go but I just don't like what happened.
I guess it still bothers me that the person turned out to be someone that I didn't know.

But its okay to be hurt right? Is there a specific time when you should be over the hurt?

Idk. I am sure still going to pray on it and reflect.

I'm happy it happened though because I am starting to see who actually cares about me and are interested in my well being. 
I hate when people try to take advantage of you and just treat you like crap.

So, in conclusion to the New Year, I will forgive people. 
I will never stop but I will let go of pettiness.
I am not a fake person, so when I ask about your well being, I'm being genuine.
I wont stop being genuine and just be me.
Either you are going to like me or not, either way, it is what it is.

So Happy New Year, a year of fun, laughter, happy cries, and soo much to learn for the better years to come!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Its been a week.

No, maybe a year.

I have gone through so many ups and downs, its not even funny.
But one thing I do know is, that I pray all day, everyday.

My faith has grown from that little mustard seed into a gigantic watermelon.
I do believe that everything will be okay.
That everything that has happened thus far is for a good reason.

God makes no mistakes.

I trust him and I know that everything will be alrite, because it will be!

When you step out on your faith, you know that everything will get better in due time.
I just have to keep remembering that it is God's timing and not my timing.

But I wont stop at what I need to do. I have to help God by showing him what I want to accomplish or the things that I need so that he can make a way for me.

Or tell me, I want this for you because its better.

Down my lovely journey I go.

And oh I do have my days of frustration or just emptiness because I don't know what will happen.
But then I reach back out to my bff, and I know that everything will be alrite.

Because it is, it is always okay.

Even when I think its not going to happen, it happens.
He can do anything, and I believe that in due time, my blessings will grow into something bigger than I could ever imagine!

For now, I am where I need to be.
I don't need to explain that to anyone because God can say it better than me.

I need to continue to do what's best for me.

When the time comes, I will be at my next stop.

But for now, I am where I am and I'm happy knowing that something is in store for me.
I just have to remain patient and keep on holding on to my faith.

It's strong.
It's big.
And it will continue to live on.

I thank God for everything and all that I will see later on in my journey.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Paying Respect. Nelson Mandela.

The year is almost over and I feel like its been a year for REAL.
We have lost so many great people in the world for a reason. I strongly believe that God makes us great and he only takes the great people to eternal life.

Nelson Mandela, was a great man and his legacy will live on and on.
I will make sure my future children know who he was and what he did.

It saddens me sometimes when people think they know what they are talking about, and don't.
I spoke with a man the other day and he said Nelson Mandela was the President of Nigeria. I looked at him and was like, hmmm, I'm gonna need for you to know your history.

Bless his heart.

Here is a little information on this lovely man via :

The South African activist and former president Nelson Mandela, helped bring an end to apartheid and has been a global advocate for human rights.

A member of the African National Congress party beginning in the 1940s, he was a leader of both peaceful protests and armed resistance against the white minority's oppressive regime in a racially divided South Africa.

His actions landed him in prison for nearly three decades and made him the face of the anti-apartheid movement both within his country and internationally.

Released in 1990, he participated in the eradication of apartheid and in 1994 became the first black president of South Africa, forming a multiethnic government to oversee the country's transition.

After retiring from politics in 1999, he remained a devoted champion for peace and social justice in his own nation and around the world until his death in 2013 at the age of 95.

Rest in Peace, Nelson Mandela, you deserve it for all that you did and we thank you for it.

If you're going to fight, fight for a cause, not for ignorance!

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Thanksgiving is today and I have sooo much to be thankful for!

First and foremost, for God, blessing me everyday.
I may not be where I thought I would be in my career or just in life, but I am thankful to be somewhere!

Oh and to pay Sallie Mae cause she be on me lol

But most importantly for my family. Without family, what do you have?
I love all of my family and trust me, I have a LOT of family.
They are wonderful in so many ways.
I may not talk to everyone everyday, but when I do talk to them, its always special.

I cant forget my friends, who I love and cherish. The people that I can count on when I need them!

Sorors! My lovely sorority of Alpha Kappa Alpha ! I love my sisters, all millions of them lol they are sweet with pink and green. I am thankful to be apart of such an phenomenal organization.

So much, its just amazing.

We may not have everything that we ever wanted, but we have something that we can be thankful for.
It may be just a car or to be able to own your own home, but its something.

God has truly blessed me this year. Even though I had my downs, because I did, I am still thankful to be able to go through it. It has truly made me a better person and I see it everyday.

I am learning so much about myself and what I strive to continue to be. Each day, I want to be better, I don't want to go backwards, I want to keep going forward and being better.

Thank God for that! So, I am truly thankful this Thanksgiving, knowing that I am helping my family and they are helping me grow into the woman that God wants me to be. He lives through us and if we want to see it, we just need to ask. I am thankful to be able to see it everyday. Its getting better and will continue to get better.

Thank you for reading too! 

Happy Thanksgiving!